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How to obtain a patent for your ideas


Researchers and intellectual-property specialists offer their tips for deciding which discoveries are worth patenting, and how to do the homework needed for success.

  1. Andy Tay
    1. Andy Tay is a science writer in Singapore.

Spinning off companies to exploit products and ideas developed at universities and research institutions can help to address societal challenges and make a real-world impact. Such moves can also be lucrative for scientists who are prepared to take their concepts into industry.

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doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03438-x


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Author: Gerald Garcia

Last Updated: 1702395003

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Author information

Name: Gerald Garcia

Birthday: 1909-02-15

Address: PSC 8195, Box 5728, APO AA 21609

Phone: +4570537930966807

Job: Tour Guide

Hobby: Chocolate Making, Swimming, Skiing, Sculpting, Cooking, Badminton, Table Tennis

Introduction: My name is Gerald Garcia, I am a frank, lively, accomplished, enterprising, talented, variegated, intrepid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.